''Il colore è lo sforzo della materia per diventare luce'' G. D'Annunzio

giovedì 3 novembre 2016


Abecedario:From Italian ''useful set of standard words''
A as Alice Roosevelt, the one who has created this colour.
B as Boutique: USA, Tennessee, Blue Alice Boutique
C as Candels, the most charming candles you could ever buy
D as Day Edith,the first singer of ''Alice Blue Gown''
E as European anchovy, that's the english traslacion of the italian Alice
F as Frank Sinatra, the most famous player of ''Alice Blue gown'
H as ''Hissing Cousins'', not just a book, but the book about Princess Alice Roosevelt life.
I as Iceberg. Alice blu is also referred as ice/icy blue and it is used to refer to the rocks of ice.

L as  Longworth, The second name of Alice Roosevelt.
M as Minelli Liza, Yes she has also played ''Alice blue Gown''
N as Neagle Anna, maybe it's the third time, but it is still a good song
O  guess what? I ll not link anymore any ''Alice blue gown'' cover.........maybe
P as Progressive House remix, Let's get a look to this song!
Q as 'Q', does it reminds us someting? (click here)
R as Rock band, a Rock tribute from a a Slovenian Group called ''Alice Blue Rock Band''
S as Stock! are you that kind of person always searching for its occasion? (look here)
T as Turquoise, Alice Blue is a variation of Cyan and pale Turquoise!
U as United States Navy 
V as Vinex corset! take care of your Middle-Age style.

Z zaffiro, italian translation for sapphire

3 commenti:

  1. Questo commento è stato eliminato dall'autore.

  2. l'errore è stato corretto. qui in redazione si fa di tutto per accorciare il percorso tra le sinapsi per arrivare a completare l'abbecedario!
    La invito a leggere gli altri step per trovare ulteriori errori.
    p.s. Ho erroneamente cancellato questo commento precedentemente
